Tuesday, 7 December 2010

In what way does your media product use,develop, or challenge forms and conventions for real meida proudcts?

After conducting a large amount of research on the horror genre and the conventions of this genre, I was able to widen my knowledge on the typical conventions and features within this genre, which I then put to use to create a film trailer, film poster and magazine cover using these conventions. I feel that I have succeeded in making a film trailer by following these conventions. For example we did not use a voice over, we decided to use captions instead, i felt that this added to the tension and made the trailer more mysterious.I also believe that our trailer will attract the our target audience as the slow editing used at the start of the trailer helps to build up tension and suspense for the climax.

For our film poster we used the same image as the film poster but added a little extra detail of the pram and a silhouette of someone running. Unlike the film magazine which has a lot going on the film poster is just advertising our film so we wanted to add a few more pieces to make it more interesting and more mysterious. We changlled normal film poster conventions for again having the main images as a location piece and not have any of the characters in image.We wanted to change the normal look of the horror genre and make ours more of the un-known than the known. This is shown through out the whole project. We didn't challenge the conventions with the title and information layout of the poster. The title is at the bottom and the font matches the quote at the top giving the audience something to think about and also giving away the genre of the film. Just by having the outer glow of the title the genre can really come through to the audience. Also we have the information at the very bottom on the poster keeping in with what would be the legal rights but not taking much of the main attraction up.the end of the trailer when the editing . Our film trailer uses captions which are widely used in many popular film trailer's today. These have been used in order to help explain what is going on and give a little hint into what the film contains. Along with this, it helps to appeal to the target audience and add a edgy twist to this modern adaption. Whilst researching various trailers we made a mental note of what exactly was included in individual trailers we then incorporated various aspects into our trailer thus using and developing conventions of real media products. I believe that our trailer does not give away a large amount of the plot which I have also found to by very common in trailers in this genre.The music also followed these conventions as it begins with what sounds like a babies music playing in a slow tempo, which then cuts to a piece of music with heavy drums, this alerts the viewed of the turning point in the trailer where the action begins. So I haven’t changed any conventions in my film trailer which I feel is a good thing. If I did change a lot of conventions and dramatically changed the typical genre style of a horror trailer then the audience wouldn’t recognise a lot it.

The magazine cover consists of 1 main photo, this photo is of the main loacation. This is not very typical in movie magazines. As normally they would have to draw in the desired audience, making them want to know more about the film, therefore purchasing the magazine, and this mostly done by using an actors face. By using a location as our main photo for the magazine we have challenged conventions. This is a good way to challenge conventions due to it being a big part of the promo work and maybe it might become more common to have location shots for a film magazine and having our images as being iconic. By using interesting articles and including special features about new and upcoming films, this helps to attract the target audience, however it also helps to bring in a wider audience. The poster also has one large photo covering the background. When researching into horror film posters I found this to be very common as this makes it the main focus of the page and attracts the audience's eye. The main text and logos used are placed at the bottom in order to stop interference with the main image.Normally The actors names would have been placed at the top of the poster, meaning that the audience will automatically be drawn to this as it is separate from the other features making them want to know more if they are fans of these particular actors. Though again for our front cover we have challenged this and just kept the main image as the location, as the audience should want to known more about the film without knowing the actors in it. So challenging conventions in this case is a good thing.All in all i feel that i have challenged the conventions when needed to excite the film media industry but when not needed i have kept my designs simple.

How effective is the combination of your media products and ancillary text?

The combination of our media product and ancillary text is very strong. The cinergy of 3 media products together that are similar and link together is a lot stronger than each product standing alone.
in order to promote our film trailer, we produced a film poster which could be seen in the cinema's,billboard or maybe on a bus stop. And also a film magazine front cover which could be sold in shops among magazines like empire.

Promo -

For both the promo work we decided to keep a similar theme to the film trailer so that the audience can link them all together.
We chose to go with a simple film poster so we could reflect the genre of the film and also to keep the mystery of the film and having the audience not know what will happen and not even the characters faces.
We have used the same font for the copy in our film trailer as we have on the poster and magazine front cover. Also the picture we used for the poster and also fim magazine front cover is very closely linked to the trailer and therefore as soon as you have seen both, you know that they are about the same thing and part of the same campaign rather than completely separate items.

Above are two images, Image A is a shot taken from our magazine front cvover, Image B is a section of our film poster. As you can clearly see the font we have used with the iconic outer glow on all the text and also the 'nightmare' font which is on every piece of the media products to link together. the text is esy for the audience to identify that all three are part of the same advertising campaign and immediately associate this font and style of writing with our film.

We also used the same basic image for all the promo work but changed it very slightly so that they linked strongly together and also that the audience would remember the hopefully iconic image.The image we used was to reflect the film trailer as the picture was taken in the location of where we filmed the whole of the trailer. The picture shows the mysterious, and the un-known which again is reflected in our film trailer so this was a big link with the media proudct and ancillary.

Film trailer -
With the film tailer we again linked the title text at the end and also applied the same font and outer glow to the website names and the words 'coming soon'.

What have you learnt from audience feed back?

After showing our audience our film trailer,film poster and magazine front cover we gathered a lot of information from them and how they felt towards our media product.

We learnt that many of the camera angles that we used were very professional and they looked difficult to film. This was shown in shots such as having the camera on the floor while the car drove past. we wanted the camera angles to looks difficult,different and hard to film as it gives the audience something better than just having a boring straight steady shot.
They also commented on the great loc
ation, as it was different from just having it filmed in school or in someones house like the other film trailers done in our year. As the location was the woods it had a lot of different elements that we used which was the highlight of the whole trailer and also the main theme in the promo work.
We also leant that people enjoyed our trailer and would go see it in the cinema because it looked good due to the mise en scene that we had created for example the clothing, the appearance, camera angels and the locations. The audience also felt that the editing of the trailer looked very professional due to the quick cuts,fades and also the title and backdrops. The comments said that the film trailer looked very mysterious in the content and didn't give much away which they enjoyed most.
Our choices of characters were m
ost suitable for our film trailer as the audience had said that the characters were suitable for the trailer due to there passion for acting.
We were told that in the trailer, the characters enthusiasm in looked realistic with what they were doing e.g crawling on the floors,crying.
However, one comment that we did receive about the trailer was about the set out of the fats passed part of the trailer. However, overall, the audience had given us positive feedback and we were happy to take. The last thing we learned from this was that in the film trailer was that the audience wanted something different with a horror trailer.We know this for the future.

We asked people how they felt about your poster and they said that the title could look alot bolder and better with actors names in to fill the page up so we used there adivce and changed your poster for the better.

With the promo work mostly the feed back was good due to professional look on the film poster done by me and also the magazine cover. The main comment was the image that we used for both pieces of promo. They also liked the photoshopping that was used to add the pram ect. The best part they said was the font work as it matched everything that was meant to be associated with the film trailer, and this was also obvious in the magazine cover.
With the extra parts of the front cover of our film magazine they said looked very professional and said that it would catch there eye if they saw it in the shops.
A lot of comments were that The overall feel to both promo pieces were the same as the trailer being mysterious and not giving much away. again matching the trailer but also adding anohter piece to it.
Overall we received many positive comments about our and how we constructed it all together. We received many positive comments about the accuracy and timing of the scenes of the cuts.

How did you use media technoligies in the construction,reseach,planning and evaulation stages?

Throughout this whole project, there was a wide range of technology that was used in order to construct, research, plan and evaluate my project.

Research: For the research we used a lot of the internet to look on youtube and look at other examples of previous years work. I used my blog to put up polls to ask the people what they like in horror trailers
and also there media work. By answering the polls we could get a better idea of what people wanted and also having an easier way of getting the answers.
After we completed all of our research and had a pretty good idea about what each media product had to include and also what the audience wanted, we then wrote a list in our book so we could keep going back to
it to remind us as well as the pictures we had already uploaded to our blogs which we analiysed and reviewed reminds us as well.

Planning: We all started by doing our own mini trailer on a sheet of paper to see all 3 o our ideas and how we could use a bit of everyones ideas. We then plan our trailer by using a sheet of paper that had a grid set out, we then manually drew our own initial idea's then came together as a group to decide our final idea's for our horror trailer which includes captions to explain why we done this
and how. We then scanned our storyboards using a scanner which then copied onto a memory stick, which we then c
opied from the memory stick onto the mac we was using. After uploading our storyboards, i created a mood board for the genre of film that the groups trailer would be.

Constructing our products:
Trailer:The first use of technology to construct my media project was a filming camera that allowed us to film
all the footage we needed for our tiler.This was a HD camera so the shots looks really clean and focussed nicely. To keep the camera
steady we used a tri-pod which came i handy as som
e of the roads.
We created our trailer usi
ng, premiere pro.We uploaded all of our footage onto premiere pro but before we did anything we looked through
all the shots it all and deleted some of the scenes that didn't come out so well. Before we uploaded the footage and start editing we had to uploaded the music we wanted from YouTube so we dragged the file into premiere
pro and cut it to the length we wanted it.We then dragged each bit of footage chosen into the upper lines and cut them to the length we wanted them.
We then added cross fades and dissolves so that all of the shots blend into each other. For the title and the coming soon i used photoshop to create the picture and added that into the permiure pro.

To create our film poster and magazine cover, we used photo shop to do most of our main editing and we used a number of different techniques including the douge tool and the lasool tool to cut out pictures with no outlines so they look professional and good quality. From creating a magazine cover last year we had pretty good skills on photo shop and i also use photoshop for my other Alevele's so i was the best person to create our promo work. We used of the Internet to rescaled some of the pictures for our film poster and mostly copied and pasted images from the Internet for t
he advertisements of other films being promoted and used the magic wand tool then rescaled it and moved it around the page for where it looked most suitable. We changed the colour of the 'R' for the masthead our magazine cover title, we did this by using the wand tool again and then changing the colour so that only the one letter was a different colour and i didn't go over the edges and make it look untid
y. We already had our main image so all i had to do was fit everything eles around it.
Creating the film poster again we used photoshop to do all the work for us. I took the image from my Photography work that i originally had and thought that it was a suitable image for our film so i used photoshop to change the brightness and contrast to fit the description more. After the mian image of the location was perfect i got the silhouette and pram from the internet ad again used the magic wand tool to place them where i wanted them. I got the font from a website called dafonts.com and used the wand to
ol to make sure the outline was perfect. I also used the photoshop for the rest of the promo work to make it perfect.

For my evaluation i used my questionnaire which i put onto my blog with the research questions.
To put this onto my blog i went onto the design, gadget, and added in my questions and changed the date when the poll is over so there is long enough for people to answer. I also asked people face to face to get there reaction and also so they could tell me what i needed to improve in detail and not over
a blog.
The main web
site i used for all of my blog work was www.blogspot.com, where i posted all my planning and researching
as well as the final products. I used a number of technologies for the planning, research and construction of my media products, from studying media last year also helped me to complete my media work this year alot quicker as i would not have know how to use most of the pro
grammes. by using all of these technologies and programme's on the macs i believe that the group's media trailer and ancillary task's have came out looking professional and therefore reflect the quality onto the amount of hard work put in.

Audience feedback.

Do you feel that the trailer would make you want to go see the film in the cinema?

100% of the people that answered the poll said that from watching our film trailer the would want to go see our final film. This shows that our mis-en-scene,editing,story-line and camera shots obviously looked impressive as people would watch a how hour and a half film based on just our trailer.

Is the location approprite for the film?

Again 100% answered that the location was appropriate. i feel that the reason for this is because the woods give a very scary and edgy feel the the whole trailer which matches the genre of our film.

Do you feel our trailer could be improved?

There was one maybe in this question which was answered, and we wanted to do our project to 100% of our ability we asked the person what we could do to improve the whole round look of our media product. They said that next time maybe run the trailer more smoothly and also maybe add a little actors dialogue. so with this information next time we will add and improve those things to make our product better than last time.

Do you feel that our film magazine would attract you to buy the magazine?

After having 100% say yes to the question we wanted to know why they would buy it and what attracted them to the magazine so that next time we could do the same sort of design,image,impact ect. they said that the most attraction was the main image as it was bold, edgy and something that has never been on a film magazine, as normally they have the main characters and not locations.

Do you feel our film poster is affective?
Again like another one the quesions someone answered could be better and we asked how this could be improved and why they thought this. They said that maybe have a charcters face in the poster would give the audience more of an idea of who will be acting in the film as some people know the talents of actors by there face and not there name. We will take this into considerations next time with the desgin of the poster.

Do you like horror trailers to tell a story?
2/3 said that they wouldnt like a horro trailer to tell and story due to there being no mystry to what your seeing as you'll know whats happening before you see the whole film.

Do you like to be shown a mixer of sex's in your horror trailer?
Again there was a majority on one answer. They mostly answered no to the question showing that people dont mind having all girls or all boys in there trailer as maybe there might be a reason be hind having an same sex trailer.

Do you like to know the deatils in film trailers?
2/3 people said they dont like to know alot of detail in there horror film trailers. This could mean the details into the film or the information about the film e.g dates,ages. Im taking this question as deatils into the film story line so maybe i should have written the question better. Like our film trailer we havent let alot of the sotry line or where the film is going to go.

Do you like to see the antaginist face in the film trailer?
There was a mixed feeling about this question as out of the 4 people that did answer this question half said no and the other two went for yes and also i dont mind. In our trailer we didnt show the attackers face as we thought that it would be giving a lot away and thats what we didnt want as our theme was all around mystry.

Whats the best name for a horror film?

Out off all the names we could have picked from everyone voted for 'The last drive' which we did use for our film trailer.

Editing process.

I wanted to talk about the process of editing and problems we had, how we got through thoses problems and also the good things about the software.Once the footage had been uploaded we went through each shot and wrote down which shots we liked and at what times to make things alot easier later on. Then we dragged the shots we liked into the editing/work area which is shown in the photo. we then editing/cut each individual shot which was written on the sheet and we also done them in order to how we wanted the trailer to look like. while we tried to get this to the standered we wanted it ment changing effects such as lighting,speed,colouring. To use these's effects we had to select them from the toolbars and drop down menus on the left hand side on the screen shot above. As the software was quiet complex we didnt quite know how to do this so had to fiddle around and make a few mistakes before we got the shot in the way we wanted. We mostly used the brightening tool and also to tools tospeed and slow down the shots to give a profesional look. By using this tool it allowed the trailer to look more fluent and that time hadnt gone forward or backwards unless we wanted it to appear like this. Because we shot the trailer all at night we didnt need to use the darken tool as it was dark enough to have the scary feel to it.After we had edited the first few shots we went back and looked over our detailed stroyboards to see if the editing was going to plan and aslo if we needed to do re-shots.Once we had put our shots in order to the shots we liked and wrote on the detailed story board we dragged the shots into the work area and started cutting. the mistake we made was that we started editing before we uploaded the two sound tracks and cut it to fit the music. So we had to roughly start the editing again after we heard the sound track and watched the shots at the same time.When we uploaded the sound tracks we knew that we didnt want the whole thing so we had to cut both of them to the times and the sections that we wanted from.To do this we used the Razor tool on the right hand side of premier pro and marked out the sections we needed to cut out. This was a very difficult and time consuming process as we needed to match the music to the cuts and also previous piece of music. This needed to be perfect so that the audience would assume the song was fluent and sounded correct when played to our trailer and the cuts. Although this was frustrating and errors were made at time, we learnt how to better our new skill and edited our sound track to how we wanted it to sound.Next we began adding in still title slides that displayed captions to help the target audience follow the storyline, also by the captions and the effects we done with them could make the trailers atmospher alot more edgy.Once we had our basic trailer with the shots in order with captions in the correct place we began to watch our trailer through and see what improvements needed to be made. this include things like fades and maybe more quick cut clean shots to perfect our trailer.

we edited in a few shots of famous film making company logos to first fill out a few seconds of the trailer but also make it look professional. the fades we used with them made it run smoothly.

The captions we wanted to add took us a while to figure out to do and also how to cross fade them,add colour to a certain part of the text ect. The most difficult was to fadeing them and making them appear with the music. the way we got round this was re-playing that part f the trailer and keep changing the text around to see what could match.

We wanted the title to make a big impact so that the audience remember it. So i made the font and outer glow on photoshop and put it in as a picture onto the editing softwear. Then we made the picture fade in and out very slowly which gave a great look and went really well with the music. This part of the editing was very easy compared to the captions we had trouble with earlyer.

After the title we wanted a last action shot which would stick in the audiences minds as would first few shots like any trailer. so after the title we edited in a shot of jade getting dragged by her hair. this shot had talking over it and also was too fast for the music that we was going for. so in the editing we had to remove the talking, slow the shot down and put new music over it. this as difficult

The last shot of the website and information was easy and the same construct as the title yet not as big and effective as the title.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Analizing my film poster with Pro film poster

I wanted to analize my film poster in the same way i compared my Magazine front cover as again i wanted to see what ive done well and what i could imporve on for next time.

Title: I wanted the title to bold and readble on every poster so i had to choose the font carfully and also had to text out diffrent methods to have black writing on a black main image and finally came up with an out glow which made it readble. Also another reason i wanted to have the outglow was to have the title looking like a car head light is shinning from behind it as its called the last drive and we use the car headlights alot throughout the trailer.
The last exorcisum's font is nearly the same as mine though its on a dirty white back ground so its readble. The title is in the same place as i feel that we both wanted to have the main image as the fouce to catch the audiences attention.

Main image: Both main images are very diffrent due to the story line though with my poster ive chanlenged conventions. Most horror film posters and other genre's have a clear image of atleast on of the characters in the film. But with my poster i wanted to keep it very mystriouse and the picture i took of the location done that all for me with the trees and the long winding lane.
I didnt just want the location as my main image i used a sillouhet of a man running to represent the gilrs running in the trailer and also the protagianist running towards something. I also wanted the pram in there just like the trailer as the pram is the starting to everything thats happend. Even though i changlled conventions i feel that the main image looks very effective.

Quote: Most film posters have a quote or a saying which gives the audience a hint or glimpse into what the film might lead onto. This is very common in horror film's as they want to make the audience a little on edge just be reading it. Like my poster and the one shown as the example both the quotes are at the top of the page as it will be the first thing you read just like a trailer going: image,caption,title.
With my quote i wanted to keep the audience on edge so the words death gave me that edge. I also hightlighted it the same as i did with the title to match and also make sure it was read able.

Actors names: The first poster we done we didnt have the actors names in it as we thought it looked better without but after we had some feed back and looked more into horror film posters we relised that maybe using the same font and low outline to have the names in wouldnt look so bad and would fit in, and it did. With the example film poster it doesnt have the names though i still think there both as effective, just ours has a little more information.

Imforamtion: We didnt use alot of information as we thought it would be a poster before the trailer came out. Though same with the example poster there is not much information on there aswell. We both has company names and logos at the bottom which keeps in the legal guide lines if this was real.

Analising my Film Magazine and Pro Film Magazine

I wanted to compare my Film front cover to a profesonal to see how well i done or what i need to improve for next time.
Empire is one of the most respected film magazines standing today so i thought this would be a great expamle to compare from. I also took one of there front covers with a horror theme running through it.

Main image: The main image of Empire shows part of the loaction and a charcter or a prop from the film. With my own front cover i have also shown location,prop and charcter though my own image is alot darker. Both main images take up the whole page with the masthead ect over the top. Most film magazines do this so i feel tha my own front cover looks quiet realistic.
Masthead : As most masthead's there placed at the very top taking up most of the top part of the page. There also always in the same font every issue though sometimes the colour may change due to the main image behind. Mine and empire magazines mashead is very simalr with the placing of the name as it will catch the eye on the shelfs. Also the colouring we have both used (red) will add to this.
Selling Lines: Selling lines are always the same on every magzine e.g Heat: Best celb mag, Mercury: Hertfordshires news. With empire they dont have a selling line that is the same every week but for this they have 'The 500 greatest movies of all time'. This selling line is big and bold and even over lapping the Masthead so its the first thing the audience read drawing them in.
My selling line is under the Masthead 'First horror film magzaine' as i wanted the audience to first read the title and then assicatate the title with the selling line. Not the other way around.
Cover Lines:My cover lines are quiet small and tucked away as i wanted the foucs to be on the film not the other articals in the magzine. For most magazines this is the same but for this issue of empire there is only 2 cover lines which are quiet large and draw your attention away from the main image. So for this issue Empire challenged conventions by doing this by for my front cover i thought that challenging conventiosn might be a little diffulct as i wanted to foucs to be on the main image.
Barcoade: Both bar codes are tucked away neatly to give room for more import thins such as masthead,coverlines and the main image.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The making of the film magazine front cover.

first part of the magazine i took the film poster's image and title as i wanted both of the advertistings to look simalir so people recognise the, quickly. Then i used the douge tool to lioghts the parts where i wanted the title and texts to go so they could be readble.

Secondly i took the title,logo and barcode to the top part of the page as there the most imporat and should be seen first. I also made a little headline to go assicatated with the magazine and that would go onto every issue and cover. This says 'First horror film magazine' This shows that the company are orginal and also tells you the genre of the magazine and the audience.

to add too the cover to make it more intresting i put other artical titiles in the same font as the title to ive the audeince som,ething eles to read though there samll as we want them to foucs more the the main artical which is our film
lastly i added a few images image to give it a little colour and other dimention to the cover. I feel that you mostly focus on the image of the film and the title which is what we wanted to advertise but also there are other parts in there aswell so its not so plain and not realistic.

Film magzine front cover.

With a front cover of a film magzine it can advertise your film but a huge amont including all the other promo work. Its import to make sure that you film looks as good as i can on advertsiting as that sort of promo such as bus stop posters ect can give your film the bost that it needs.
When it came to title names for the magzine i thought it would be better to use my own name instead of a currently film magazine. So we came up with theses names.

titles names :
  • Report
  • Snap
  • Action
  • Media
  • Angle

The reason i chose the word report was because the title can show that its reporting on every angle of the film industry from film making to reviews. The title font was used to look like an old fashioned type writer to go with the title and i felt it looks boring in jsut black so i made the R red to stand out and i feel it goes really well.

I wanted a logo to go with the title of the magazine because i could use this on diffrent parts of the magazine and people will regosize the logo and asicitcate it with the magzine. The logo is an old fashioned film and stand for the simple reason as the magazine is about films.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Making film poster

For the image i was going to go out and take pictures of the characters but i thought i would be better if we keept the story line and characters a mistrey to the audeince so i took a picture from my photography AS and edited it so it was black and white which i thought was a good idea for the theme of the film. then i used the dodge tool to blur out and lighten parts of the photo where the writing would be so it looks readble.
As the trailer has a miseriouse pram in it i thought that it would be good if i took a photo of the pram and made it smaller and blend in with the background. This will give the poster a diffrent element for the audience to think about which will entise them to watch the film.

Again in the trailer there is a protaganist. We dont see the killers face but only his actions so i didnt want to put a picture of the killers face on show or what he looks like so i decided to make a silotette of a man on paint and trasfer it onto photoshop. With this image it could look like two things : The attacker or the victim so again there is another elemnt to the poster thats gives the audience a chance to think about the film and who is the person running.

All film posters have small writting at the bottom of every poster. This is all for legal reasons so there is alot of logos and company names at the bottom including some other names. By doing the font so small it still keep within there legal rights but also doesnt destract the eye from the main picture. The caption at the top gives the audience an idea of the genre of the film so i thought that this would be a good way of shwoing this as the word death is linked to most horror films. With the way the font goes and how it was readble i place the caption over the area i dogde tolled earlyer so it was readble and got the font lettering from a website @dafont.com@ where i copy and pasted.

With the title i wanted to to be the same font as the caption to make it look sort of tidy and matching. I placed it inot the doged tool part i done earlyer and fitted it. I feel that the only thing that needs have on there is a caption but that might ruin the whole effect of the poster.

We asked people what they thought about pur film poster and they said something was missing like actors name or something more baout the film so i added the actors names which made it look alot better.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Unique selling point.

FILM: The unique selling point of the film is the fact that there is new fresh actors and actresses who know one has seen before, because with actors that you've seen before you assositate them with other films and cant take there role seriously in a horror film if you've seen them in something like a comedy.
Also the shots of the trailer and the captions i havent seen in alot of horror trailer which is unique to the audience who arent formailar with alot of horror

POSTER: With the poster for the film the unique selling point is the fact that we've used location as the main image instead of the characters faces. The reason we done this was because the fact that we was using new actors and people woul
dnt recognise them so maybe if we added mystry in the poster people would have more attraction to them. aLSO WITH THE SILOHET WE HAVE USED THERE IS NO DETAILS AGAIN ADDING MORE MYSTRY.

MAGAZINE: Again the unique selling point with the magazine is the main image and not having a famouse face on the cover. It might not sell alot of issues to the public but with its dark and gloomy feel the ediotors keep the magazine fresh with new looks.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Promo Ideas.

Before we went straight into doing the promotional part of the coursework we wanted to try diffrent layouts to see which one we liked best for what part of the promo. So we used paint on the comp to draw the layouts and compar each one.
Film poster.
With the film poster it needs to be bold and have the main image and title the first things they read. Theses are the layouts we drew.

(1) (2)

With both of the layouts they have the title,main image and caption but one desgin is diffrent and has actors name. I feel that desgin 1 is alot more realasitc than the others and also looks more like other Horror film posters that i have seen. Also with desgin two im not sure if having the title at the top will distracte the eye from the main image which should be looked at first.
We decided to go with desgin one as ist simple and has alot of room for the main imag

Magazine Front Cover.
With the front cover desgin there is more work to do done becuase you want the main foucs to be the film though there are other elemnts into it such as pugs,mastehead and selling line. So thinking about how you can make the most of the layout was very diffult but we can up with two diffrent desgins.
(1) (2)

Both theses desgins may look simalire but there very diffrent in the way they will be presents the main image. With desgin 1 There is not much room for the main image as the title,extra infromation and pug are taking that up. And also with the picture we have chosen it is mostly location so we need that top part of the photo to show the audience. This sort of desgin would be great for a womans magazine but not for a film magazine. The other desgin is simple, keeps the foucs on the main image but also gets the imformation needed to the reader. Where the title and mastehead are gives us as much room as possible to show the readers the main image which will give us as much promonatil work. Also the extra's and pugs are moved to the side but are still there and readble.
We decied to us deign two for our magazine front cover.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Anazling film trailer

The shrine film poseter doesnt give much away to the audience but the location and a very big hint of the genre. They have left out the age rating,the dates so im guessing this is the poster for the teaser trailer maybe.
With the main feature being the location they have done this very well by keeping the mystry going with the fog maikng the genre more obviouse by it being scary.
The way they have done the title is very clever. It looks like they have taken the french or spanish bible and highlighted the words of the title. This gives us an idication of the story line of the film being around reglion.
I really like the mytrey of the poster and have got an idea to base my film poster of the trailer on the location and to keep it very secreative and not give too much away.

The human centipede film poster has alot more information than the shrine but i feel that its not as mystriouse as it should be for a horror film. The caption 'your flesh is his fansty' and '100% medical accurate' gives the audeince alot to think about and what the storyline is. The sillote is the main feature of the poster and does keep the mystry involved. Wiht my own poster i want to use thw sillote from this poster and the location of the first psoter to conbim them together to get a real good poster.

With this poster the image of using the mushrooms and the full moon in the background to make a skull is very creative and scary. With the font of the title they have made it look as if its jolting around and not quite sacure which gives the audience the feeling of being dizzy and siorted which might have something attached to the film.
Also the words 'get ready to get wasted' gives us another indication of the film having something to do with maybe taking drugs. This poster is very creative and unique with the way they have used the mushrooms to make the skull is really smart.

Film Poster.

The caption to a film poster is very important becuase like the title it can give us an idea of the genre of film and what we are expected the story line to be based on. Theses are are ideas to go with the poster and we wanted it to be quiet hard hitting so 'Death lives here' is perfect for what the film portrays. The other ideas are good just not as good as the first.

caption ideas
  • death lives here
  • insatinae is infectious
  • its our turn to adapt

The title for the film is the most important part of the whole film. The title can give the audeince an idea of the genre and the title can also stick in there memories more than some of the other things like advertising.

film title ideas.
  • The baby
  • The infant
  • The last drive

With theses ideas they had a visable link to the film trailer which gives the audience more chance to remember the film title as they have double the visual reminders. We wanted the title to be bold and stand out on the posters so theses are the fonts we chose to pick from. We ended up going the the 'Nightmare' font as its bold but fitting in with the theme of the woods as it looks like twigs pout together to spell the words out. This font will also be used for the caption.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Sound Track for trailer.

The music for any trailer is very important as it can set a sence and also give you a clue into the future of what will happen. This is shown in the way the music builds up and slows down.
With out trailer we wanted very slow music at the start (heartbeat,slow classics music) which sets the film and also builds the tension. then after the turning point of the trailer our rock music will come in over the top. we wanted to be diffrent so instead os using the same scary classical music we would have scary hardcore rock music. this makes the trailer a lot more modern by attracting a teenage audeince which is our target and it gives a diffrent look into the trailer and what the film should be like.
this is an example of what the fast pased part of the trailer will sound like.

Film Trailer SoundTrack.

With this sound track it was perfect for the first part of the trailer as we wanted it to be slow to match with the shots. While being slow the child chimes and the wind blowing through the air really goes with our film shots and the mise en scen we wanted to create.

Friday, 5 November 2010


This is a list of all the shots that werent so succesfull. We identifed what went wrong and orgazined how do them them again and when.

This is a story board of all the re-shoots that were doing and how to do them. With having them as picture we can see how excatly how we want the shot to look like instead of imagenting it and it also gives us a realistc idea of what it could look like.

1. (See Tables)
With the first shot we relised that wasnt too good was where the car came from round the conor and it wasnt focused properly. So on the 10th we went back and the sulition was to let the camera foucs a little longer before we got the car to drive past.

2.The second shot was very important to the trailer as it captured the actors face as they was curiously looking at what was infront of them and also the looks as if they were being watched. Though when we uploaded the image the car lights were too bright and also the shot was not steady. So the next time we went we took the tri pod and took the shot from a diffrent light and it turned out very well.

3. The attacker was origanlay going to be played by a girl that was in our group but has she left half way through filmimg we had to change it to a boy due to her hair being in the shot. Also again the camra wasnt steady so we changed the character's sex and also used a tripod.

4. This shot was to relavel the actresses dissappering by the fading the car lights on and off. Though when we done this the camera couldnt foucs everytime the car ligths came back on . Also we could see the acotrs running in and out so again we re-shot in a dark place and gave the caerma time to foucs before back on filming.

5. We wanted to make the shots more realtic and as the actors werent professional we couldnt get the shot of the gilrs being dragged alone the floor. The first problem was that you could see the attackers hands which wasnt what we wanted as it wasnt keeping to the mystry. We shot again for a second time and it still work so After watching the fottage we decied not to put the scene in at all

6. The last re-shot to do was the hazard lights as this is an import scene to show trouble in a diffrent way so this needed to be included. It was one of the easiest shots to do and went well on the day.

After the re-shots the editing was alot easier to cut and put together due to the smooth steady shots.