Tuesday, 7 December 2010

In what way does your media product use,develop, or challenge forms and conventions for real meida proudcts?

After conducting a large amount of research on the horror genre and the conventions of this genre, I was able to widen my knowledge on the typical conventions and features within this genre, which I then put to use to create a film trailer, film poster and magazine cover using these conventions. I feel that I have succeeded in making a film trailer by following these conventions. For example we did not use a voice over, we decided to use captions instead, i felt that this added to the tension and made the trailer more mysterious.I also believe that our trailer will attract the our target audience as the slow editing used at the start of the trailer helps to build up tension and suspense for the climax.

For our film poster we used the same image as the film poster but added a little extra detail of the pram and a silhouette of someone running. Unlike the film magazine which has a lot going on the film poster is just advertising our film so we wanted to add a few more pieces to make it more interesting and more mysterious. We changlled normal film poster conventions for again having the main images as a location piece and not have any of the characters in image.We wanted to change the normal look of the horror genre and make ours more of the un-known than the known. This is shown through out the whole project. We didn't challenge the conventions with the title and information layout of the poster. The title is at the bottom and the font matches the quote at the top giving the audience something to think about and also giving away the genre of the film. Just by having the outer glow of the title the genre can really come through to the audience. Also we have the information at the very bottom on the poster keeping in with what would be the legal rights but not taking much of the main attraction up.the end of the trailer when the editing . Our film trailer uses captions which are widely used in many popular film trailer's today. These have been used in order to help explain what is going on and give a little hint into what the film contains. Along with this, it helps to appeal to the target audience and add a edgy twist to this modern adaption. Whilst researching various trailers we made a mental note of what exactly was included in individual trailers we then incorporated various aspects into our trailer thus using and developing conventions of real media products. I believe that our trailer does not give away a large amount of the plot which I have also found to by very common in trailers in this genre.The music also followed these conventions as it begins with what sounds like a babies music playing in a slow tempo, which then cuts to a piece of music with heavy drums, this alerts the viewed of the turning point in the trailer where the action begins. So I haven’t changed any conventions in my film trailer which I feel is a good thing. If I did change a lot of conventions and dramatically changed the typical genre style of a horror trailer then the audience wouldn’t recognise a lot it.

The magazine cover consists of 1 main photo, this photo is of the main loacation. This is not very typical in movie magazines. As normally they would have to draw in the desired audience, making them want to know more about the film, therefore purchasing the magazine, and this mostly done by using an actors face. By using a location as our main photo for the magazine we have challenged conventions. This is a good way to challenge conventions due to it being a big part of the promo work and maybe it might become more common to have location shots for a film magazine and having our images as being iconic. By using interesting articles and including special features about new and upcoming films, this helps to attract the target audience, however it also helps to bring in a wider audience. The poster also has one large photo covering the background. When researching into horror film posters I found this to be very common as this makes it the main focus of the page and attracts the audience's eye. The main text and logos used are placed at the bottom in order to stop interference with the main image.Normally The actors names would have been placed at the top of the poster, meaning that the audience will automatically be drawn to this as it is separate from the other features making them want to know more if they are fans of these particular actors. Though again for our front cover we have challenged this and just kept the main image as the location, as the audience should want to known more about the film without knowing the actors in it. So challenging conventions in this case is a good thing.All in all i feel that i have challenged the conventions when needed to excite the film media industry but when not needed i have kept my designs simple.

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